While raking leaves early in the morning, on a cool brisk day, and before anyone else gets out, I had time to think of the future. These leaves are put here by Nature for a reason, to make dirt for the next growing season. I enjoy gardening, so I put the leaves in a pile add some blood meal, and kitchen scraps, and next year I will have some Nature's dirt for my garden and sell some. Where am I going? With a little motivation and thought you can do anything, What you think is junk,can become extra money. If you go to a gym, ask the gym for a commission when your friends join? I get paid for just showing people how save money while improving their health.
Don't just want, get motivated and Do.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What Matters Most to You
When you are involved with a serious situation in your life, you see how many other people have the same problem. The problem I am referring to is chemicals in the home. It sounds good to say "we must protect the children", when adults are in the same danger. Radio being the most listen to communication, what type of programing is important to you? News, talk, computing,music, or health? TV is running doctor shows and home improvement for better health, because of the emphasis is on health.
Improving your families health can be quick and inexpensive. It is FREE to ask questions and for new purchases you will just be changing stores and your budget will also be safe and healthy.
Improving your families health can be quick and inexpensive. It is FREE to ask questions and for new purchases you will just be changing stores and your budget will also be safe and healthy.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I need a job OR I am looking for a job
What do you hear when someone says, "Got to find a Job" or "I'm looking for work"??
"Got to find a job" is just a phrase a person that is going no where and suddenly it is to late. "I'm looking for work", this person has a reason and is spending his spare time knocking on doors just to let people know he is ready when the job opens.
I work at a company that is having difficulties and the employs are worried. So which phrase do you think is most used?? You said the first one! You are correct. Having no goal in your future you will always be in debt and in a rut. Another phrase is: 'that guy got lucky". Read the book The Millionaire Next Door and see how they got lucky. Yes, I work at this company and everyone knows I also work from home having fun and making an income. Their is not one person interested enough to change there future. That is what I call not having a dream of a future.
"Got to find a job" is just a phrase a person that is going no where and suddenly it is to late. "I'm looking for work", this person has a reason and is spending his spare time knocking on doors just to let people know he is ready when the job opens.
I work at a company that is having difficulties and the employs are worried. So which phrase do you think is most used?? You said the first one! You are correct. Having no goal in your future you will always be in debt and in a rut. Another phrase is: 'that guy got lucky". Read the book The Millionaire Next Door and see how they got lucky. Yes, I work at this company and everyone knows I also work from home having fun and making an income. Their is not one person interested enough to change there future. That is what I call not having a dream of a future.
Monday, September 7, 2009
What Does Labor Day Mean To You
What is labor day to you? To work around the house, maybe cooking out with friends.
Do you know your future? Are you satisfied with your job? The amount of money you make? Do you have savings for the length of time that you could be out of work? If questions like this have no real meaning, then you are in for a real surprise. Your future is in your hands and there are no get rich quick job. Info commercial are expensive and payed for with your money if you sale or not. I have ads on one of my blogs and for a year I have made about a $1.25. I have 6 years with this great company that pays me for telling you, how to become a customer, no inventory, selling, delivery, and less then $30. start up, now that is good for my budget and http://marnie.thedotcomteam.com has improved my health and income just talking to neighbors about there health and income.
Do you know your future? Are you satisfied with your job? The amount of money you make? Do you have savings for the length of time that you could be out of work? If questions like this have no real meaning, then you are in for a real surprise. Your future is in your hands and there are no get rich quick job. Info commercial are expensive and payed for with your money if you sale or not. I have ads on one of my blogs and for a year I have made about a $1.25. I have 6 years with this great company that pays me for telling you, how to become a customer, no inventory, selling, delivery, and less then $30. start up, now that is good for my budget and http://marnie.thedotcomteam.com has improved my health and income just talking to neighbors about there health and income.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Are you Motivated but afraid to take the Leap?
I talk with people all the time who are looking for extra money. They get motivated just believing they could go places with there family, catch up on there credit cards. Yes, I talk to them about my small business and how I am looking for partners. They get so excited and then the fear sneaks in and destroys all their motivation. Life can be exciting but You have to be able to push all negative fears, reasons, and most of all negative friends out of your way. Have you ever talked about saving money around a friend that spends their last dollar on a Lottery ticket and then tells you " saving money is a waste of time." I challenge you to get involved, in a small business, volunteer at you kids school, stand in your living room and yell " I am going to clean this house". You will fill the pain go away and pleasure will fill you with pride.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Which Direction Are You Going
I was just looking at a piece of my train tracks. It is a switch that sends the train in different directions. Think of being the train on this track. It switches one way and you go to a dead end. Switch the other way and you have complete control of your future. Which track are you on.
Bringing women home to own their own lives
Source: marnie.thedotcomteam.com
Work at home, setting your own hours. Full training and support. Unlimited residual income potential. Product-based, low attrition, high reorder rate, money-back guarantee. The best networking non mlm business available with no inventory and no sales!
Bringing women home to own their own lives
Source: marnie.thedotcomteam.com
Work at home, setting your own hours. Full training and support. Unlimited residual income potential. Product-based, low attrition, high reorder rate, money-back guarantee. The best networking non mlm business available with no inventory and no sales!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Don't Get Down, Get Motivated
Reading this blog, I hope you still have a job. If you don't this is the time to improve your motivational skills to get out and start looking for a new life. My company is always looking for customers who become employees. You don't have to be a sales person, or drive a car. I just like a person who will except help and is motivated to take their life to another level.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Lets Just pass a Gov. Bill Don't Read it.
On my radio while driving through Macon Ga. A new car commercial came on and this was there pitch. Bring us your old car and we will go through every Government
Web page to get you every cent that is promise . Our dealership was approved to give you this discount when you buy an economy approved car. SO COME ON DOWN TO
Web page to get you every cent that is promise . Our dealership was approved to give you this discount when you buy an economy approved car. SO COME ON DOWN TO
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Change Is Not For Everyone
Have you ever heard the statement " your mind set is like a crease in your cloths"? More people are unable to change than those who will. Take my business, I invite customers to change there store and buy personal care products that are safer and cost less then products at the commercial store. More will say that they can't afford to change. Now do you think those people are planning for their future twenty years form now, Or will they be still living in the mind set that they are living in now? Remember this, " yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here, and today is the only day you have to decide on your future.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How to face what is coming in your life
My space will bring up lots of great topics for me to add to. A friend, that I know real well, is now realizing what it was like to spend money. Growing up she and her now husband, worked hard to be able to have what they had. Then it all came to a stop overnight. This couple turned there whole life around and started over in another direction. No mater what you do in life if you take a hit from the unexpected, remember an old saying: never look back, pull up your boots and push forward.
You can not get rich quick and easy. I always show my web page at the end of my blog, this company that takes no extra expense to me but add a little extra to my income and it is fun and exciting to be a part of a company that I can trust.
You can not get rich quick and easy. I always show my web page at the end of my blog, this company that takes no extra expense to me but add a little extra to my income and it is fun and exciting to be a part of a company that I can trust.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Plan Finance for the Future.
I have written in the past that there will always be ups and downs in the U.S. Economy, so don't ever think it is hard or a waste of time to invest for your financial future. My first try was putting extra money in a safe box every payday and I could get to it when needed. I also played a game that worked better, I never spent a $1.00 bill I put them in a shoe box every day and monthly It was unreal how much I saved. I was now getting the Idea and was told about Mutual funds. This is where my shoe box ended and the savings started in 1985 I started putting $5.00 a day in one mutual fund and in 2006 I had enough to assist with my Social Security if I would have lost my job. Security is on everyone's mind. Get Smart, Get Started.
Dean Schramm
Dean Schramm
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What does motivation mean to you?
We think we are really motivated cause we have a job. Take the people that stand on the corner with a sign " homeless". Would you stand on that spot for 10 hrs every day? If he averages .25 cents while the stop light is red about 2 min. 5 days a week that comes to about $20,000 a year tax free. That is what I call Motivation.
Why sit around and wish you could win the lottery. I found my extra money by just being a customer using safer and healthier products to improve our health.
Why sit around and wish you could win the lottery. I found my extra money by just being a customer using safer and healthier products to improve our health.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memoral Day Is our History
Our founders of this great land gave there life so we would be free to live like no other country and every person could live there own dream. One if by land Two if by sea, the call to arms against the British. Leaders signed the Declaration of Independence knowing their life would be in danger. History of the war of 1812, Spanish American war, Civil war between North and South, WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq. American Men and Women are still giving their lives to protect the Constitution of the United States. Preserving the freedom for all. Our Great Flags hang high all over America on this Day to remind us of our history.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Life is an adventure take it.
Have you ever had a friend tell you about an exciting venture they took and improved there life? Latter you see how there living there new life. I hope when you read my Blog that you will ask how can I improve my life. Yes I want to have a healthy life for my family, take vacations with my family and grand kids and be debt free. Http://marnie.thedotcomteam.com This is how We did it and never lost a dime. 25 years of scuba diving together and this year we will be in Hawaii. Never again will you say I wish I could be there. Take the path that no one else will go down and laugh the whole trip.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
New start will you take it??
We are coming out of a dip in the economy, how will you handle it?? There are finance companies advertising every hour on TV and Radio wanting to loan you more money to get you out of debt. Dose it make you listen?? Buy a new car and if you loose you job we will pay for it up to 8 months. Going car hunting, hopping you will loose your job?? Invest with us and we will protect your money the next time the economy drops. Companies praying on your weekness to get your money out of your pocket. There are good companies that are not chassing after you and you have to find them. It is your money and your future, don't waste it.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How life can change
Anybody can achieve anything. Do you believe that? I knew catching chickens had no future. When I got out of service I started learning everything I could, when the teaching was free. You know that animals in the wild survive from natural senses. The generations of humans are loosing those senses and not looking forward at what they can do, and now when the door opens to there future they let it slam in there face. If you let your future pass by, your children could miss there door to the future.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
What is your life like?
It is Six AM on a lake in North Ga., Nothing is moving but the Geese on the water. Temperature is in the 50's and the sun is just coming up.I bet you are saying "way" when you should be asking "how" does anyone get there"? Motivating yourself to do what it takes, to get out and do what it is you like. Maybe you like crowds, go to New York, or Disney World, be alone take a one on one hobby, how about sports, don't just want to be tale gating get up and go. We can not prosper in life with out changing our attitude of life. When we take control we will see a change in our health and our family life.This all starts in your home.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Facts of life and friends
God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED -
To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the
person you were meant to be.
To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the
person you were meant to be.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." Goerge S. Patton
Sunday, March 15, 2009
" Where there is no vision, the people perish. "Hebrew Proverb
Current mood:
Category: Life
Anybody can achieve anything. Do you believe that? I knew catching chickens had no future. When I got out of service I started learning everything I could, when the teaching was free. You know that animals in the wild survive from natural senses. The generations of humans are loosing those senses and not looking forward at what they can do, and now when the door opens to there future they let it slam in there face. If you let your future pass by, your children could miss there door to the future.
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