Friday, August 28, 2009

Are you Motivated but afraid to take the Leap?

I talk with people all the time who are looking for extra money. They get motivated just believing they could go places with there family, catch up on there credit cards. Yes, I talk to them about my small business and how I am looking for partners. They get so excited and then the fear sneaks in and destroys all their motivation. Life can be exciting but You have to be able to push all negative fears, reasons, and most of all negative friends out of your way. Have you ever talked about saving money around a friend that spends their last dollar on a Lottery ticket and then tells you " saving money is a waste of time." I challenge you to get involved, in a small business, volunteer at you kids school, stand in your living room and yell " I am going to clean this house". You will fill the pain go away and pleasure will fill you with pride.